On 09.07.2013 10:05, Philipp Hug wrote:
Do we really need 585 T-Shirts (attendees: 390, staff: 120, video: 75)?
Original quote by Gunnar was 400 T-Shirts
Compared with penta numbers of 278 attendees + 52 sponsors + 44
Especially on the staff side we seem to have way too many shirts.
Sure, we can afford it as they're cheap, but it seems a bit of a waste
of resources. (and we're complaining about spending another CHF 2000 on
dishwashing and on the other hand spend >CHF1000 more on T-Shirts we
don't even need)
Some staff are "required" to wear the t-shirt (e.g. front desk) to be
recognizable by attendee, additionally we don't want that they will
smell badly, so such staff (not all volunteers, not the orga) need an
additional T-shirt.
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