Philipp Hug dijo [Wed, Jun 05, 2013 at 07:10:20PM +0200]:
> Please don't forget money transfer costs, import duty, VAT and customs
> handling.

Right, I don't know if there are any customs or other taxes we would
have to pay to get the shirts delivered in Switzerland.

> For T-Shirts the one of the following tariffs is relevant:
> 6109.1 (cotton T-Shirts) and 6109.9 (T-Shirts of other materials)
> Default rate is CHF 152 / 100kg, but fortunately we have a free trade
> agreement with Mexico (through EFTA) which means: import duty: 0
> But you have to add 8% on the total amount (T-Shirts + shipping) + handling
> fee for import which you pay to shipping company which should be around CHF
> 50.

Oh, right! Great! Anyway, CHF50 is less than 1% of the total, very acceptable.

> (...)
> Total: CHF2764
> per shirt: CHF 6.91
> Which is still fine. We estimated CHF 8 / T-Shirt in our budget.
> To compare with Switzerland: We paid CHF 17 / T-Shirt in Switzerland last
> time we bought T-Shirts for
> I'll try to get another quote for shipping: this seems to be where we can
> save most.

(WOW, CHF17 per shirt...)

> Gunnar: The T-Shirt vendor would ship directly to Switzerland, right?

Yes - She delivers the boxes to UPS, or whatever shipping courier we
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