Hi, > Plus shipping. As always, I quoted with UPS for you to have an > > idea, but it can be via any courier service of your choice: US$1169 > > to US$1239.44 (attaching a PDF with the options in case you want to > > look for other companies). > > However, what strikes me is that we will pay almost the same price for > shipping ($3.10 per T-Shirt), excluding the carbon footprint. > > FTR, the *delivered* price for one T-Shirt is 6.78USD = 5.18EUR = > 6.43CHF, according to today's rate exchange: >
Please don't forget money transfer costs, import duty, VAT and customs handling. For T-Shirts the one of the following tariffs is relevant: 6109.1 (cotton T-Shirts) and 6109.9 (T-Shirts of other materials) Default rate is CHF 152 / 100kg, but fortunately we have a free trade agreement with Mexico (through EFTA) which means: import duty: 0 But you have to add 8% on the total amount (T-Shirts + shipping) + handling fee for import which you pay to shipping company which should be around CHF 50. So: T-Shirts + Shipping + VAT is: USD 1461 + USD 1169 + USD 210 (VAT) = USD 2840 = CHF 2674 And adding customs handling fee + money transfer/conversion costs (assuming 4%): CHF 50 + CHF 40 Total: CHF2764 per shirt: CHF 6.91 Which is still fine. We estimated CHF 8 / T-Shirt in our budget. To compare with Switzerland: We paid CHF 17 / T-Shirt in Switzerland last time we bought T-Shirts for debian.ch I'll try to get another quote for shipping: this seems to be where we can save most. Gunnar: The T-Shirt vendor would ship directly to Switzerland, right? Philipp
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