Hi all.

Le mardi, 21 mai 2013 11.26:40, Didier 'OdyX' Raboud a écrit :
> I therefore propose to hold a team meeting is on Thursday 23th May at 1800
> UTC in #debconf-t...@irc.debian.org [0].
> The prospective agenda is below. Please review, add topics I forgot or
> propose topics for removal you think are irrelevant.
>       https://wiki.debconf.org/wiki/DebConf13/Meetings/20130523

This has now happenned; the minutes are available there:


Thanks to all for a quite productive meeting, cheers,


P.S. A text-only version is attached to this mail.
#debconf-team Meeting

Meeting started by moray at 18:02:41 UTC. The full logs are available at

Meeting summary
* https://wiki.debconf.org/wiki/DebConf13/Meetings/20130523  (OdyX,

* Sponsorship application deadline is over  (OdyX, 18:05:33)
  * AGREED: We allocate 40 extra sponsored places, to be given on a case
    by case basis by the sponsorship team.  We reserve this places for
    Newbies, other outreach campaigns and local volunteers.  (OdyX,

* Communal accomodation survey  (OdyX, 18:27:19)
  * AGREED: upgrades for sponsored attendees will be offered to people
    that answered negatively to the eventuality of getting communal
    accomodation, then to the rest of sponsored attendees. Upgrades
    might get sponsored at a later stage. Sponsoring decisions from herb
    sould be independent of the communal accomodation checkbox.  (OdyX,
  * AGREED: people that chose pay-for accomodation in 8-beds rooms will
    get proposed to upgrade to 4-beds along with sponsored attendees
    that agreed to communal accomodation in the survey, that is after
    the sponsored attendees that answered negatively.  (OdyX, 18:50:57)

*   (OdyX, 18:52:35)

* Sponsorship team / Herb  (OdyX, 18:52:38)
  * ACTION: gwolf to check that herb@ has all (and only) the people
    constituting the herb team.  (OdyX, 18:56:54)
  * ACTION: gwolf to find out last year's policy for herb, refresh it
    and put it up for discussion on -team, thanks !  (OdyX, 19:02:47)
  * we need approval and announcement of the newbies fund.  (OdyX,

* Registration Team  (OdyX, 19:03:18)
  * ACTION: deconf13.ch board to act _fast_ on sorting out visa letter
    concerns.  (OdyX, 19:08:54)

*   (OdyX, 19:12:52)

* DebCamp status  (OdyX, 19:12:54)
  * < hug> we have a draft contract from lecamp which needs to be signed
    until end of month  (OdyX, 19:13:37)
  * ACTION: hug and gaudenz to check exactly this lunch option is.
    (OdyX, 19:29:14)

* Mailing lists move to lists.debian.org  (OdyX, 19:39:36)
  * AGREED: Lists will get moved on the medium term to debian.org
    infrastructure, debconf14-team lists should be created there  (OdyX,

Meeting ended at 20:00:38 UTC.

Action Items
* gwolf to check that herb@ has all (and only) the people constituting
  the herb team.
* gwolf to find out last year's policy for herb, refresh it and put it
  up for discussion on -team, thanks !
* deconf13.ch board to act _fast_ on sorting out visa letter concerns.
* hug and gaudenz to check exactly this lunch option is.

Action Items, by person
* gaudenz
  * hug and gaudenz to check exactly this lunch option is.
* gwolf
  * gwolf to check that herb@ has all (and only) the people constituting
    the herb team.
  * gwolf to find out last year's policy for herb, refresh it and put it
    up for discussion on -team, thanks !
* hug
  * hug and gaudenz to check exactly this lunch option is.
  * deconf13.ch board to act _fast_ on sorting out visa letter concerns.

People Present (lines said)
* moray (158)
* OdyX (148)
* hug (93)
* gaudenz (84)
* vorlon (83)
* gwolf (65)
* marga (45)
* XTaran (41)
* n0rman (17)
* formorer (13)
* h01ger (12)
* bremner (4)
* MeetBot (3)
* Ganneff (2)
* lucas (2)
* gismo (1)
* gnugr (1)
* kevinmoilar (1)

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