On 11/05/13 23:46, Moray Allan wrote:
> On 2013-05-09 20:13, Daniel Pocock wrote:
>> To make it clear, `Free' only applies (and should be emphasized) to the
>> content of the conference.  For things like accommodation and food it is
>> probably sufficient to tell people that those things can't be guaranteed
>> if they fail to register and reserve.
> To make it clear: "Free" only applies to the contents of the Debian
> operating system.
> For the question at hand:
> In the past we *have* asked everyone to register, even if they only
> come for a day of DebConf.  Debian Day events have been handled
> separately, and we have gone between having no registration and
> voluntary/advisory registration.  When front desk has interacted with
> non-registered people, we have asked them to register themselves
> on-site (still via penta).
> In some years, DebConf badges have been required to enter the
> conference venue.  This is not a stupid requirement, given the large
> amount of electronics around, and the fact that attendees often leave
> their laptops unattended (even when we have asked them not to).  I'm
> sure there are no thieves in Switzerland, but equally in the Le Camp
> setup attendees will be even more likely than usual to assume that
> only bona fide attendees are present on site and leave expensive items
> around in the accommodation buildings and other areas.

If it should work as you describe, then the documentation probably needs
to emphasize it is simply "free of charge, with registration required"
as opposed to being 100% free as in freedom.  Given that freedom is a
key element of the Debian philosophy, we should probably take care not
to add to ambiguity about the way the word is used.

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