On 08/05/13 18:16, Gunnar Wolf wrote:
> Raphaël Walther dijo [Wed, May 08, 2013 at 02:37:06PM +0200]:
>> Hi list,
>> I have been asked by linux-neuchâtel (LUG): Does this conference is only
>> for developers ?
>> After a discussion on IRC, I wrote this draft.
>> "Although DebConf13 is the annual developers meeting of the Debian
>> Project and not a users conference, it is open to the public. If you
>> want to attend a talk on a specific day please register to the
>> conference with an arrival date equal to departure date."

I think we should stress that it is really helpful if people register
but they are not obliged to do so - emphasizing they will still be
admitted if they don't - it wouldn't be a truly `Free' event if there
was some obligation to give your name and IP address.

>> Do you agree this is an appropriate answer ?
>> Moray suggested also to put it on the website. Shall we put it on the
>> about.xhtml page?
> I agree it is right, but I would just add a note saying that it might
> not be interesting for the public at large, as the focus of the
> conference is not as much (although it always includes it somehow)
> about how to use exciting new technologies in Debian, but about how to
> make Debian better. People should check the list of talks for the day
> before going IMO.
> I don't know how to word this — But if we tell to anybody then can
> come, and they make a trip, just to find over-specific talks, they
> will be quite disappointed. And we don't want to disappoint people!

One solution would be to highlight events that are more relevant for
those people and/or steer them towards Debian Day.

Given the immense popularity of Debian in European countries, and the
decision to have DebConf in a particularly central location this year,
it will probably not be a big surprise if people arrive who are
potentially new contributors or advanced users.

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