Giacomo Catenazzi <> writes:

> On 08.05.2013 08:28, Andreas Tille wrote:
>> Question regarding arrival time at DebCamp:  Because I would like to
>> book my travel *right now* because I can get the best price at Deutsche
>> Bahn three monthes in advance I wonder whether some other people would
>> like to arrive early.  If there is a DebCamp we could perfectly hack on
>> computers / help setting up stuff for DebConf.  If there will be no
>> DebCamp we could pay for some accomodation at Le Camp ourselves and
>> enjoy the nature together.
> If they have some free buildings ('free' not like in beer or in speech), 
> we will book them (we are in negotiations to add 5 DebCamp days). They 
> are not an hotel, so people cannot book single rooms.

While AFAIK you can't book single rooms (not completely sure about this
it might even be possible) you can certainly just rent one of the
smaller buildings and do self-catering. While this is an option for a
self-organized group of people, such a very low overhead solution is IMHO
not an option for DebCamp as we would have to organize everything for
too many people. Even if it's only 60 instead of 200-300 for DebConf.

I don't recommend anyone to do this just now. But if our DebCamp plans
all fail, this is certainly an option. Most of the buildings suitable
for this are currently still available.


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Try again. Fail again. Fail better.
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