Hello dear debconf orga team,

This mail is mostly meant to confirm that:
- I'll attend Debconf13
- I'll come from Paris with my bubullemobile, aka my good old Citroen

The nice thing about it is that it has plenty of space to transport
stuff, both from Paris to Vaumarcus (I will *not* fill it with cheese)
and also over there.

In short, if some video stuff is needed and as most video team stuff
is IIRC stored at IRILL....I confirm that I can bring it with me.

The car is a 7-seater, so that might help in case we have|need to
transport people here or there.

I intend to be at Vaumarcus as early as possible, whether there is a
Debcamp or not.

Depending on the size of the stuff I have to brin in the car, there
might also be some seats left to share with other attendees coming
from Paris...but that will be discussed in -discuss when everybody
sets up their travel plans.

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