On 2013-01-31 21:08, Victor Martinez wrote:
About pictures: I forgot completely to upload what I have taken, I
remember at least having two or more from talks I think... also I
think Regina had a bunch of good pics but need to ask about and, I
think in flickr [1] there are at least of debcamp, had to check but
surely I had various of Video Team working, Debcamp & arranging and
mounting network and hacklabs.
Working on this as soon as hit home.
Ideally, as in previous years, we would look for the nicest informative
photos and ask permission to use them under the relevant licence. I
have already added some illustrative photos to each section in the
report, so more important first is:
* Please look for some photos of the hacklabs and talk rooms, and get
permission to use them. For both categories, choose photos where the
rooms look busy, rather than the most artistic ones. It's also better
to choose ones where individual people are small in the image, unless
you also ask those people for permission to use the photos. After
getting permission, we should add them to the report in addition to the
current ones (or if you find very many good ones, we can replace current
hacklab/talk images).
(My own pocket-camera photos of DebConf were taken only in calm
moments, so most look a bit too quiet!)
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