On Fri, Dec 07, 2012 at 04:28:53PM -0500, Brian Gupta wrote:
> On Thu, Dec 6, 2012 at 4:25 PM, Margarita Manterola
> > Also, there's 9 months till DC13, I would support this being applied
> > for DC13 sponsors as well.
> Thanks Marga. The issue is that many sponsors and potential sponsors
> have already been sent the sponsors brochure which doesn't mention
> this. If we were to make any changes, I do think that we would have to
> contact them again with an updated brochure and explain the changes,
> and allow them to adjust their sponsorship commitments.

Updating the brochure after the fact might make a weird impression, but
you could follow-up with the proposal for small companies which either
have not replied yet, have declined to sponsor at all or are eligble for
an upgrade due to the pledged amount (in case the sponsorship team /
debconf team / whoever decides to go with it).

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