On Mon, Dec 03, 2012 at 11:44:54AM +0100, Ana Guerrero wrote:
> We also have contributors who are tall, and le Camp beds do not seem suited
> for tall people (more than 190cm), some people might camp, but some others
> prefer a bed. A lot of people can get by 1-2 days, but a full week can be
> a (back) pain. Some of those people might prefer going to a hotel.

> And probably many other reasons such a surgery recover, sleepwalking
> or snoring to the point you know that for other people sharing a room with
> you isn't healthy for them.

IMHO if I'm on sponsored accomodation, I'll accept anything with at
least a matress under me. I slept in the sports hall with many others
at Oslo debconf, and while the rest was not exactly perfect (bloody
people coming and going), I realized that it was volunteer organization
that had organized me a place to sleep for free - and I appcreated it.

Likewise we had to overflow people to the shared cellar room in
Helsinki debconf. In Mexico, I shared a room of six (IIRC) and it
was not exactly noise-free either. Plus noise from corridoor... But
who says debconf was for sleeping anyways ;)

DC13, I would be one of the people considering bringing my family over.
But if it isn't easy - I'll skip that part and probably come alone. Most
certainly I don't expect debconf volunteers to work on finding a
solution for our family! There is much more important stuff to carve

> In le Camp, the possibilities of affordable hotel are *far* away and you need
> a car

That is certainly annoying, else one could just easily get a hotel room
for the family - and nobody would have to care if I came with family
or not.

> So we are effectively discriminating some people in coming. If you are not
> affected in any of those case or similars, good for you, some other people 
> are.

We discriminate every year, many people don't like long flights to other
side of the world (inconvience, not good for earth, expensive....) 
We haven't ever made debconf really accessible to people India, for

I don't think every debconf should try be inclusive to everyone EVERY
year. Lets have one year have a family friendly one, and another year a
inconvinent to families one - or one debconf in the middle of europe,
and another one in argentina. Each of these will more inclusive to a 
different set of people. Which is good - we also get a more diverse set
of contributors to Debian as well.

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