Ana Guerrero <> writes:

> In le Camp, the possibilities of affordable hotel are *far* away and you need
> a car, le Camp is served by public transportation but it is very limiting.
> (Somebody added in the wiki the distances by bike, but I don't know
> anyone who travels packing a bike in their suitcase...).

Have you not met Paul Sladen?

As I said long ago, Le Camp (when considered as a DebConf venue) is
family hostile, and for the same reasons is comfort-loving-corporate
hostile, and also for those other cases you mention.

This has been know and accepted since DC12, at least, if not before.

It's since come to light that it's marginally more hostile than was
thought at the time of the venue decision meeting, but really, nothing
major has changed.

Wherever we decide to go will advantage some groups and penalise others,
and perhaps it's time that the smelly tree-huggers had their turn ;-)

Personally, I'm rather glad that it looks like we'll only have to put up
with this place for a week, rather than two, but now that the decision
is made, we should stop whining about it and do everything in our power
to make it the best DebConf ever and prove all the doubters wrong.

Cheers, Phil.
|)|  Philip Hands [+44 (0)20 8530 9560]
|-|  HANDS.COM Ltd.          
|(|  10 Onslow Gardens, South Woodford, London  E18 1NE  ENGLAND

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