On Fri, Nov 23, 2012 at 08:29:58PM +0100, Andreas Tille wrote:
> On Fri, Nov 23, 2012 at 06:20:35PM +0100, Ana Guerrero wrote:
> > If it isn't in the contract, we can not know for certain we'll be able
> > to camp.  The responsible of Le Camp has a board behind of him who can
> > overrule him or he can decide for whatever reason he is finally not
> > happy with it.  This is very clear in the "conditions générales".

> I admit that when reading this list I have the feeling that non-Germans
> start showing behaviour Germans are famous for while native Germans stop
> taking every single word of such contracts as if graved in stone.  That's
> a bit funny.

I don't find it at all funny that people are willing to sign a contract on
behalf of Debian with a 60k CHF cancellation clause, and then take a verbal
agreement that we'll be able to use the facilities in the manner we require
in direct contradiction to the written contract.  The nationality of the
people involved doesn't enter into it - this is an irresponsible error in
contract negotiation.  Even if it works out in the end, it's irresponsible
to risk it.  You get those kinds of things *in writing* when this kind of
money is on the line.  If you really have a good relationship with the
counterparty, it shouldn't be hard to get a contract modification so that
the written contract reflects the agreement.  If you can't get a contract
modification, it shows what that "good relationship" is actually worth
( : nothing).

From reading the minutes of the latest IRC meeting, the predictable response
from some people here is that it's not possible to negotiate the contract
because it will take too long to get Le Camp to take it back to their
committee.  I call bullshit on that.  If you can't negotiate a fair and
equitable contract, you don't sign the contract.  It's not so important to
have a DebConf that we should bankrupt Debian to hold one, or make it
something people are unwilling to attend, or that people will be miserable
in attending (e.g., because they discover upon arrival that they won't be
able to camp as promised because something else has gone wrong in the
meantime and Mr. Pianaro is no longer happy with us and willing to bend the
rules).  Debian should absolutely be willing to walk away from holding a
DebConf *at all* if it can't negotiate suitable terms.  I know that's not
something the local team ever wants to consider; no local team ever would
want to see their tireless efforts result in them *not* hosting a DebConf. 
But if we're not willing to walk away, that means the decisions are always
being made under duress, and that's much worse for us than it would be to
skip a DebConf.

That said, I'm pleased to see that yesterday's meeting did lead to a
compromise regarding trying to book the venue for a shorter period, and not
blindly sign the contract that's been offered.  I have confidence in this
team to do the right thing by DebConf - though from time to time I wish it
would converge on consensus more quickly. ;)  I just think the team should
hear that not putting on a DebConf, if the only other option is to put on a
/bad/ DebConf, is not a failure.

> > > And people won't be "surrounded by people 24/7", that's again a biased 
> > > way to 
> > > put it.

> > If the only way you have to be 5min alone is going alone in the forest, I 
> > have
> > not words... 

> Thinking back all DebConfs I joined ... hmmm DebConf 3 in Oslo I was in
> a hotel with my family - but even there were DebConf people.  Sooo
> DebConf is actually not the place where you will be *alone* and from all
> what I have read here from people who visited Le Camp I do not see a big
> difference regarding staying separate from other people to any other
> DebConf.  From my perspective the only way to be alone is to *start*
> running with Christian and finally give up after some time - then you
> will be alone.

"You will pass other people in the hall or meet them at breakfast" is not
the same thing as "you will have to share your room with N other people".
Different people have different expectations of privacy.  I have seen an
unfortunate amount of handwaving from folks on this list in response to
these concerns when they've been raised.

Now, I don't have a clear view of exactly what the accomodation
configuration will be at Le Camp, because TTBOMK this information has never
been laid out directly on this mailing list; it's possible that people are
responding to stale/incomplete information here and as a result, the people
in the know are just annoyed at having to deal with such misinformation.
But that's not how it comes across on the list - it comes across as the team
being dismissive of people's concerns that the proposed accomodation will
make them uncomfortable, possibly to the point that they will choose not to
attend DebConf as a result.

Speaking only for myself, I would not attend a DebConf that required me to
share a room with 3 random other people.  I'm fortunate to have an employer
that will send me to DebConf and pay for appropriate accomodations.
However, I've also heard it suggested both that DebConf would rely on
professional and corporate attendee registration fees to offset costs for
other attendees, and that professional/corporate attendees would be given
precedence in the better (== fewer people per room) accomodations, and I'm
skeptical that these various suggestions have all been sanity-checked
against one another, or against the expectations of folks who do attend
DebConf as professional attendees, or against the consequences to overall
DebConf attendance of giving sponsored attendees only the "worst"
accomodations.  At the moment, my expectation is that I will be attending
DebConf 13, but *not* staying at Le Camp due to scarcity of suitable
accomodation.  It's not clear to me what impact, if any, such decisions have
on the overall planning of the DebConf team.

Steve Langasek                   Give me a lever long enough and a Free OS
Debian Developer                   to set it on, and I can move the world.
Ubuntu Developer                                    http://www.debian.org/
slanga...@ubuntu.com                                     vor...@debian.org

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