Hi Ana,

On Donnerstag, 22. November 2012, Ana Guerrero wrote:
> I still remember when Tincho (local team then)
> said: "You can not delay a DebConf until it's ready" This is one of the
> reason why it is asked to future localteams to get involved ready, to
> learn how to live in this chaos ;)

yeah, right & totally true. And as I see it, this is so far the best prepared 
DebConf _ever_: we already have >60K, with 10-40k "in the pipeline", and we 
are _NINE_ months ahead.

/me bows and applauds to the localteam, esp. those working on sponsorship!
(and to those non locals working on this too!!)

The discussions on this list for a large part have drifted away quite a lot 
IMO. As I see it (and compared to any other year), we are doing great. (On 
technical terms, preparing dc13. There are other aspects where we are somewhat 


P.S.: I could decide to reply to the rest, but then Didier replied what I 
would have said anyway.
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