
> We consider the financial part as the only major issue. The other issues
> that we discussed on the mailinglist are in our opinion either not
> important enough or are mostly details and need to be refined later.
> What will be fixed is the duration and the prices. The other things are
> in our opinion either fine or can be refined (like how exactly has dish
> washing has to be done). On the other hand bringing up these topics
> again with Le Camp will seriously annoy them at this point. And I can
> very well understand that.

To be a bit more specific. I agree, that it doesn't make sense to talk
with LeCamp about those issues again before we decide for ourselves if
we want DebConf at LeCamp at all.

I think this is how we should fix these other issues:
* #debonf-team decides if they want DebConf at lecamp and under which
conditions (e.g. changes in the contract).
* The local team/ debconf13 association then gets an approval to sign
the contract under the given conditions.
* Members of the local team meet with LeCamp and explain that they
have authorization to sign, but require these changes.
* LeCamp then decides if it accepts or if not, there's no DebConf at LeCamp

Now back to the major issues, which IMO are:
* Money: Huge upfront cost, we need to force attendees to pay for food
and accomodation.
* Some people prefer a venue which is not like LeCamp (due to
location, facilities nearby, room types, privacy...) and prefer
another type of venue.

The following issues about the contract are still being discussed and
changes were suggested:
* Camping
LeCamp doesn't like camping because they don't want to look like a
campsite and as I assume also because they don't want us to save on
accomodation costs.
Mr. Pianaro said at the meeting, that he's fine if there are a few
tents (e.g. behind the houses) and use the corresponding

So a proposal could be: tents allowed, but only next to existing
buildings. Remove the 300 limit.

* Cancellation fee
I don't know what to think about it. At some point cancellation fee is
higher than going to lecamp with only 2 people.
Should we care?

* Offer form only signed by us
The 'contract' is just a non-binding offer by them that only we have
to sign. After we return it to them, they'll send us a written

Proposal: We should write on the order form: This order is only valid
if these conditions are confirmed within (e.g.) 2 weeks.

* LeCamp expects that we pay them around 160k.
Mr. Pianaro told us that he expects to make around 150-160k from DebConf.
Which you can translate into what holger already said: As long as we
pay around this amount of money he'll be happy and very flexible.

This is not written in the contract. The minimum in the contract only
bases on the forfait. If nobody attends DebConf, there will be no food
But, I think if we go to Le Camp we should be open to them how much we
expect to spend to prevent problems in the future.
h01lger: this is about trust: They also need to be able to trust us
and don't think we'll cheat them to save money.

* Final invoice after event.
This has been mentioned as a risk, because the invoice might be higher
than expected and therefore we'd need to introduce a safety margin.

There was a proposal to tell LeCamp we have X money and only feed us
until the money is out. This seems to be a bit unrealistic and I'd
prefer them to give us like a daily or every second day an update
about the how much money we already spent. But this is not something
that needs to go into the contract/order form.
If we know the numbers early we can still influence the costs a bit.

I hope I mentioned most of the points which were discussed as problems
with the current contract.

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