On 21/11/12 22:33, Luca Capello wrote:
> Hi there!
> I was asked to give a Lighting Talk about DebConf13 at the forthcoming
> (this week-end) Paris Mini-DebConf 2012, on Sunday 25th between 15:30
> and 16:15 (CET, thus +0100):
>   <http://wiki.debconf.org/wiki/Miniconf-Paris/2012>
> I would propose the following plan to agree on what should be presented:
> - IMHO what is very important to communicate is the current status
>   (overview and problems/fears) and make another call for sponsors.

It might be dangerous with only 7 minutes, because if problems/fears are
misunderstood, there is no time to correct people's perceptions.  Maybe
just reassure people that if they help the sponsoring team raise more
money, there are less likely to be any problems.

> - I will keep an eye on this mailing list for any input until Saturday
>   24th at 20:00+0100.  Feel free to propose something, but please keep
>   in mind that there are 6 other talks in the same 45-minute slot, so we
>   should be concise.

You could show one of the videos from the Swiss tourism web site. E.g:


> - according to the participant list, Daniel Pocock, Michael Germini,
>   Raphaƫl Walther and myself will be there.  I propose to get together
>   at some point on Sunday morning and work on the talk.

I go up to London on Sunday, so I can't help prepare the talk on that day

However, I will use the same guerrilla marketing strategy that was
deployed in Managua - displaying some kind of video from .ch before or
after my talk on Saturday (16:00: Debian's role in creating an
alternative to Skype).
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