Hi there!

I was asked to give a Lighting Talk about DebConf13 at the forthcoming
(this week-end) Paris Mini-DebConf 2012, on Sunday 25th between 15:30
and 16:15 (CET, thus +0100):


I would propose the following plan to agree on what should be presented:

- IMHO what is very important to communicate is the current status
  (overview and problems/fears) and make another call for sponsors.

- I will keep an eye on this mailing list for any input until Saturday
  24th at 20:00+0100.  Feel free to propose something, but please keep
  in mind that there are 6 other talks in the same 45-minute slot, so we
  should be concise.

- according to the participant list, Daniel Pocock, Michael Germini,
  Raphaƫl Walther and myself will be there.  I propose to get together
  at some point on Sunday morning and work on the talk.

Thx, bye,
Gismo / Luca

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