On 07.11.2012 12:04, Daniel Pocock wrote:

On 07/11/12 11:55, Giacomo Catenazzi wrote:

Anyway, on the budget discussion I don't remember a lot of discussion
about talk room setup. IIRC in Le Camp we have some free infrastructure,
and we can put anywhing we want. Is it the same in Interlaken? (I ask,
because this is a critical point: many venue require to rent them
conference equipment at very high prices).

The documents and prices are in SVN


and Richard and Philipp have referred to them already.

Maybe I missed something, but you budget 20'000 CHF for the conference center, but I cannot break down the costs.

To me seems that the costs are much higher, and I'm worried that we must lent from them all other infrastructures, tables, chairs,... (see the second point 3).

But I confess, in last time I didn't followed so much the discussions.

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