
On Montag, 29. Oktober 2012, Daniel Pocock wrote:
> For the instalments: has DebConf usually raised cash so quickly and so
> far in advance?  I have previously heard that most cash comes 1 month
> before DebConf.

we already have 6k at least (=might be 11) plus those 2x20k plus its still >4 
> For the final bill:
> - at first glance, it appears positive that people won't be standing in
> the street if money is not paid in advance, but a deeper reflection on
> this should raise concerns

well, yes, every coin has at least four sides, but really here for us, paying 
later is better.

> - when things like this are done on `credit', it can become harder to
> track [blabla]

yes, obviously we need to do our own bookkeeping. Like we did for the last >8 
years at least.

> - it also means that there may not be the right kind of pressure on the
> sponsorship team.

because everybody suddenly turns stupid? The pressure is there *now*, we need 
get sponsors in the next 45 days, if we want 2012 accounted money and xmas 

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