On Fri, Nov 02, 2012 at 05:16:08PM +0100, Holger Levsen wrote:

> And for this comparison, please redo the comparison based on the DC10 numbers 
> instead. And thanks already! ;-)

I'm going to assume people can do basic math, and not be insulted by
being asked to do something where there is a much simpler method:

DC12: ~ 60 kUSD
DC11:   55 kUSD  (= 33.5 kEUR at that time, using mid 2001 conversion rate)
DC10:   92 kUSD  (85 kUSD excluding exclusive local sources)
DC9:  ~120 kUSD  (= 83 kEUR in 2009)

I am using USD just since I started with assumption USD=CHF to make
things easy, but should have been using EUR.  

So I was hoping people would realize that 150% of DC12 is about the
DC10 amount.  This is why 150% we consider "safe" and 200% is
considered a lot.  (Using today's rate, 92 kUSD is 86 kCHF)

- Richard

p.s. One can also notice trends of decreasing sponsorship, despite
still needing it (e.g. dc12, dc11 had lots of local sponsorship which
isn't accounted for.).  Another way we know this isn't just lack of
effort is various major sponsors amounts have been declining.

| Richard Darst  -  rkd@          -  pyke: up 2 days, 1
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| "Ye shall know the truth and -- the truth shall make you free"
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