On Sat, Oct 27, 2012 at 10:39:09AM +0200, Didier 'OdyX' Raboud wrote:

> What people don't appear to realize is that we are discussing going there 
> since last November and that the first signs of doubts appeared only in 
> August, _while_nothing_changed_since_then_.

I understand the frustration, but... we sort of went from "enough time
to raise money before committing" to "not enough time to raise money
before committing".  Which one could say comes from both not finding
sponsors soon enough, and also from the contract being worse than
expected (price reductions didn't go as well as we had expected...).

This isn't to say the local team has done poorly.  Each year teams
want to do better and better, which is good, but the reality is
(perhaps especially post-late-2000s-recession?), that cutting costs is
more feasible than raising money to be fancier.  Personally, I think
that the bid deciders would be well advised to consider this in the
future, since I've seen a similar pattern over and over as long as
I've been involved (especially, personally speaking, for DC10).

So, please don't see this as a criticism of DC13 work, but as part of
what happens every year (unfortunately...).

- Richard

| Richard Darst  -  rkd@          -  pyke: up 32 days, 12:52
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| "Ye shall know the truth and -- the truth shall make you free"
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