On 26/10/12 09:53, Gaudenz Steinlin wrote:
>> Cheers,
>> Michele and Luca
>> ===================================================
>> = Meeting Le Camp 20121025 (heiserhorn and gismo) =
>> == General discussion ==
>> * They likes the project. 
>> * They do not like the idea of other venues investigation at this time
>> of the discussion.
> Because they feel betrayed or because they feel there is still room for
> negotations or because they just don't understand that we cannot afford
> their current offer?

I would like to know more about the context of this comment - did
someone tell them another option has been proposed, or had they
discovered it themselves?

It may be worth emphasizing to them that (a) the option wasn't located
by those negotiating with Le Camp, and (b) it only arose when we started
to have serious budget concerns, not just to try and shave 5% off the
price or some other gimmick.

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