
There were a thread discussing about travel sponsorship for this year,
I am unable to find it now, so allow me a new thread to send my proposal.

* Forgetting about travel sponsorhip until March 1st

Some people was commenting in that thread and in IRC about dropping directly
the travel sponsorship for this year because it seems unlikely we'll have
money. Others argued providing travel sponsorship is very important because
if not some people won't never be able to go to debconf (I agree with this).

What about not considering travel sponsorship in the budget and in the
beginning of March, when we know better how much money we'll have we reconsider
it again?  It will still give people time to do travel arrangements if the
decision is taken soon.

* Managing travel sponsorship request in a different way

I would also like to propose removing all the debconf travel sponsorship
system from the $PENTA_REPLACEMENT and just ask people needing travel
sponsorship to send an email to the travel sponsorship committee explaining
why they need sponsorship, how much money this person think it will be
needed and how much help need. This allow the committee contact the
person directly asking for more details and also discussing the involvement
of that person in Debian by the committee  (not everybody knows everybody).
This could be tracked via a RT ticket, for example.

This would address the main flaw I saw in the penta-approach: the system
is quite impersonal and it lacks communication between the committee and
the people needing sponsorship.

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