On 24/10/12 14:39, Holger Levsen wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm reading through the meeting log and these are my comments.
> 1. budget is now (?) assuming 220K, with 100k coming from sponsors and 100k 
> coming from attendees and 20k missing. 
> reply: frankly speaking, thats not my DebConf, 100k from attendees means 250 
> from each attendee, if 400 come and pay. Gunnar (and others, incl. myself) 
> repeatly explained why we dont want to require attendees to pay, see 
> <20121022184523.ge15...@gwolf.org>
> Making food optional (or canceling it) is IMO way better than introducing 
> attendee feeds.

This is what I've been trying to emphasize all along - even with other
venues, there is no such thing as a `cheap' event in Switzerland.

Interlaken just gives us the flexibility to pass on costs for eating,
and to reduce costs during the DebCamp week.

> 3. "bad points about le camp contract": that we have to pay 60K 
> _this_year_already_ is another huge problem with them, which was not listed 
> in 
> the meeting. How do you folks expect to spend those 60k if we dont have it? I 
> just checked my pockets, but no 60K there.

Holger's point is very valid (even though there is confusion about when
the 60k is paid, it is 20+20+20 as pointed out elsewhere)

Just imagine how people will feel in May if that 60k has gone into Le
Camp and nobody can find the other 100k.

Instead of organising DebConf (and wheezy), people will be under this
huge pressure about money.  For an organisation that works on voluntary
effort, I feel that is a very uncomfortable situation.  Everyone will
have a sick feeling in their stomach.

Take it one step further: imagine the currency crisis takes it's next
turn before August, and the Swiss franc goes up again - can anyone
imagine that 100k CHF is currently just 83k EUR - but after another
round of currency wars (or whatever the media call it this week), 100k
CHF could be 100k EUR or more.  Finding foreign sponsors will be harder
than ever.

> 3a. So assuming we'd sign the lecamp contract (or any others introducing 150K 
> in costs) how would you propose to deal with the, eg, 100K debt? Share it 
> between the individuals who registered debconf13.ch (the association)? Move 
> the debt to Debian?
> I assume if we have signed such a contract, someone _will_ need to have to 
> pay 
> the bill. And thats why I'm still reluctant to (tell people to) sign...

Not quite - if a verein is like a limited company, then the members
could potentially liquidate the verein at arm's length.  Nobody will
lose their personal assets,  Le Camp will be extremely unhappy.  The
biggest worry should actually be the 20, 40 or 60k of sponsor money
already paid to Le Camp: if there is no DebConf, and the money is lost,
will those sponsors ever support DC14, etc?

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