
I'll try to answer from my POV. I think any serious discussions should
not be done as replies to this thread but as individual mailinglist
threads with one topic per thread. So I'll try to just cler any possible

Holger Levsen <hol...@layer-acht.org> writes:

> Hi,
> I'm reading through the meeting log and these are my comments.
> 1. budget is now (?) assuming 220K, with 100k coming from sponsors and 100k 
> coming from attendees and 20k missing. 
> reply: frankly speaking, thats not my DebConf, 100k from attendees means 250 
> from each attendee, if 400 come and pay. Gunnar (and others, incl. myself) 
> repeatly explained why we dont want to require attendees to pay, see 
> <20121022184523.ge15...@gwolf.org>

For now I suggest to just ignore the income side of the budget. At least
there is clearly nothing decided yet and many options remain to be

I promised during the meeting to start mailinglist threads for the
different options I and others have mentioned in the past. Unfortunately
I had no time to do this yet, but I hope to be able to do this tomorrow
evening. Maybe I can even start some threads tonight.

> Making food optional (or canceling it) is IMO way better than introducing 
> attendee feeds.
> 2. travel sponsorship: I think given the finacial situation, we can stop 
> thinking about it. Really.

As I also said during the meeting I disagree. I think we should at least
make sure that the results from the discussion we had on list are not
lost and the points we agreed upon are properly documented. This is IMO
independent of DC13. 

In general I think we should avoid any "emergency mode". We still have 9
months until the proposed DC13 date. While we have to take some decision
rather soon there is nothing very urgent. Thus I think that also topics
like this should be allowed.

> 3. "bad points about le camp contract": that we have to pay 60K 
> _this_year_already_ is another huge problem with them, which was not listed 
> in 
> the meeting. How do you folks expect to spend those 60k if we dont have it? I 
> just checked my pockets, but no 60K there.
> 3a. So assuming we'd sign the lecamp contract (or any others introducing 150K 
> in costs) how would you propose to deal with the, eg, 100K debt? Share it 
> between the individuals who registered debconf13.ch (the association)? Move 
> the debt to Debian?
> I assume if we have signed such a contract, someone _will_ need to have to 
> pay 
> the bill. And thats why I'm still reluctant to (tell people to)
> sign...

If I remember correctly it was also said during the meeting (or
somewhere else recently) that nothing will be signed without another
team meeting.

Also this number is wrong. The contract proposal in SVN states:
20'000 this year (december)
20'000 in february 2013
20'000 in mai 2013

> 4. I disagree with Gunnar on "We are either holding DC13 in Switzerland or 
> cancelling it altogether, I think" ;-)

I hope nobody seriously considers cancelling at this point. I don't
think talking about cancelling any further helps at the moment.

> 5. "melchtal and fiesch" - fiesch is no option anymore as I understood 
> (closer 
> than one year in advance), so whats the status about melchtal? Fiesch was 
> going to be called this week anyway, but you didnt comment on
> Melchtal...

No it's the other way around with Fiesch. It's an option now, because
they don't take any reservations more than one year in advance.


P.S.: I also know that the meeting summary and minutes are still
missing. If any of the other participants has time to ammend the wiki
page and post a short summary to the list I would appreciate this very

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Try again. Fail again. Fail better.
~ Samuel Beckett ~
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