Hi there!

On Wed, 24 Oct 2012 09:30:01 +0200, Gaudenz Steinlin wrote:
> Luca Capello <l...@pca.it> writes:
>> IMHO we should go there *before* the BSP so we can compare both options,
>> Interlaken and Le Camp.  But if the general voice is that we should do
>> that after the BSP, then let Michele and myself wait: please however
>> state that *now*, so I can cancel the meeting.
> No, please go there! ;-) I think the message cited above lists the most
> important issues. I have a few more minor suggestions:
> - Possibility to only rent part of Le Camp for Debcamp. This is not
>   optimal, but maybe better than shortening. While we need the main
>   rooms during (part) of DebCamp for setup, we don't need all the
>   "sleeping houses". This option could also be combined with shortening
>   the whole thing.

IMHO given the minimum amount of money per day it does not change
anything if we rent part of Le Camp.  I will ask anyway.

> - Option of Le Camp sponsoring DebConf. If they reduce the price, we
>   could list them as sponsors. I don't have high hopes that they agree
>   to this, but we could at least try.

I disagree.  Not to mention that this could be used against us: they
already invested around 100k CHF for the fiber connectivity, mostly
because it was a good Internet connection (not the crappy ADSL that they
had before) was a must for us.

> - While the current form of the "contract" would be legally binding if
>   signed, I would prefer a proper contract that looks a bit less like an
>   order or confirmation form. The current document is a bit a mess of
>   their standard form and various special clauses added to some parts.

I do not understand this, can you provide an example, please?

Thx, bye,
Gismo / Luca

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