On 24/10/12 09:50, Giacomo Catenazzi wrote:
> On 24.10.2012 09:30, Gaudenz Steinlin wrote:
>> - Option of Le Camp sponsoring DebConf. If they reduce the price, we
>>    could list them as sponsors. I don't have high hopes that they agree
>>    to this, but we could at least try.
> No. This must be discussed by the debconf-team before making such
> proposal. People was not so happy having the fact accomplished without
> discussion last year (and -team clearly added a note about this for us
> and future debconfs).

Even if this is to work, we have to think about `why is it good for Le
Camp?' rather than just thinking about how it will save us money.

We've already seen that one other potential venue has proposed such a
`sponsorship' agreement with us (with 20% discount), on the basis that
they hope DebConf participants will use their services to book other
leisure activities.  I think it is great that they have this confidence
in DebConf and the people we are likely to attract.

Does Le Camp have any similar way to get mutual benefit out of the
event?  I think it is essential that we can answer such questions
ourselves before asking them to consider a sponsorship.

The only thing that comes to mind is that we can let them take 100% of
bar takings, if they give lower prices for accommodation/meals.
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