Hi there!

On Fri, 28 Sep 2012 10:12:56 +0200, Luca Capello wrote:
> I just committed (SVN r3732 [1]) the version of the contract Le Camp
> sent us with the our last comments.  Since the original is in French, I
> quickly translated it to English, please other French-speaking people
> check my translation!
> [1] 
> <http://anonscm.debian.org/viewvc/debconf-data?view=revision&revision=3732>
> Please check it again and provide question/comment,

Here a resume of the problems, please correct me if I am wrong or if I
have missed something:

1) final date to sign the contract

2) possibility to shorten the contract to decrease its (high) price
   (which we should anyway try to negotiate more)

3) cancellation:

   a. too high fee, based on a full-board price, while only
      accommodation should be considered (the minimum amount to pay)

   b. detailed deadlines to be included in the contract

4) meals:

   a. exploring again the cooking-by-ourselves option

   b. effective meals and not simply full-board for everyone or even
      better "food should be ordered N days before, with prices list

   c. pic-nic option available on all days (for lunch sandwiches, in
      case made by ourselves, and for dinner an hot meal)

Given the current situation, we need clearer answers from them, so if
the list above is all I have to ask I will do that next week.  The fact
that we will there for the BSP on Oct 27-28 means that we could even
discuss further at that time.

Thx, bye,
Gismo / Luca

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