Didier 'OdyX' Raboud <o...@debian.org> writes:

> There are various ways to ask it: ask directly for the monthly income (quite 
> intrusive), "how many days of full-time job salary", ratio between the 
> requested amount and the monthly income, etc.

These all seem pretty the same to me, up to doing some arithmetic.  As
you imply (I think) some people will object to revealing salary
information even to the committee. I would add that monthly salary alone
doesn't give very complete information. For example, I would not like to
try to live on my monthly salary in e.g. Zurich.  On the other hand, it
is both more intrusive and more subjective to ask for amount of
disposable income.

With the current proposal nothing stops people from adding such
information to the answer to 3.iii. We could add some examples of
justification to that as we did for the previous question. These
examples could include hard numbers or more qualitative statements 
along the lines of those listed in


>> 4) Using references
> IMHO this brings a substantial risk of tightening the tight set, but it's 
> probably worth trying if we don't put too much weight on it.

I'm not sure what you mean here.  Speculating wildly, do you mean it
will only help people who already get well rated?
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