On 27 August 2012 11:37, Holger Levsen <hol...@layer-acht.org> wrote:
> This would also allow us to start a fundraising campaigns with more specific
> goals, ie "increase the non-european attendees sponsorship budget by 10k CHF"
> or such.

Is that the sound of Indiegogo crowdsource funding campaigns for
DebConf Travel Sponsorship or am I just too excited?
"Donate over 500$ to have you photo 'cleverly'* GIMPed into the group photo!" ?
"Donate over 250$ to get a 'Thank you!' note handsigned by the DPL!" ?
"Donate over 100$ to have a DD spend up to 4 hours trying to fix a
Debian bug of your choosing!" ?

* - for some values of 'clever'
Best regards,
    Aigars Mahinovs        mailto:aigar...@debian.org
 | .''`.    Debian GNU/Linux (http://www.debian.org)            |
 | : :' :   Latvian Open Source Assoc. (http://www.laka.lv)     |
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