On 31.08.2012 08:45, Stefano Zacchiroli wrote:
On Thu, Aug 30, 2012 at 10:44:47PM +0200, Gaudenz Steinlin wrote:
*** Possible solutions for DebConf 13 ***
The easiest option to form a legal body for DebConf 13 is to form an
association (Verein) under Swiss civil law (Art. 60ff.)
I disagree with this, as I've observed in the past. For one thing, it
doesn't seem to me that it is *that* easy to create this association.
One argument is that, if it were so, it'd have already existed by now,
no? (But if the counter-argument to that is "we wanted to have an
explicit ack before proceeding", fine.)
Still, one extra association in a territory where one already exists
will undeniably increase the overall bureaucratic burden (this is a "-"
point that is surprisingly missing from the comparison on the wiki).
OTOH we want to minimize the bureaucratic burden in global.
The cashflow of debconf is enough high that we need to pass to the tax
offices. It is probable that for few years we need such burden on
debian.ch, and then we must add selling taxes to debian.ch stuffs and
such burdens, which in case of a debconf association will happen only
once (the next ones will have only a short notice: nothing sold this
year, minimal money in bank).
(And just in case: no, I would not consider acceptable keeping DebConf13
running after DebConf turning it into yet another Debian Trusted
Organization: Debian finances are already *too* scattered around the
world and that makes accounting a PITA. The efforts over the last 3
years have been toward consolidating, rather than the converse
Simply we should explicit write duration of the associations. BTW it is
also a law prerequisite, but usually it is written as "unlimited duration".
And also a good practice is to write down where the funds go when the
association dissolve.
OTOH these could be easily overridden, if association member decide so.
For this reason I think some non local team member are needed.
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