On 14/08/12 20:17, Michele Cane wrote:
> On Tue, 2012-08-14 at 20:11 +0000, Daniel Pocock wrote:
>> Given the threshold for 200 beds/night, does it make sense to have
>> DebCamp elsewhere, but not too far away hopefully?
> No, DebCamp is used to prepare the venue and the venue is Le Camp.
> 200 is an average over the 2 weeks.
>> Do all the prices from Le Camp remain the same if it is just a 1 week
>> event instead of 2 weeks?
> No. We will have to renegotiate all prices and at this point if we will
> ask for only 1 week they will higher.
>> The reason I suggest this is that if attendance is low for any reason
>> (whether it is a tornado, earthquake or credit crisis), nobody will know
>> for sure until the DebConf week

Another idea: what if there was a related (open source, but not
necessarily Debian) event either

a) event for 100 people same week as DebCamp, or

b) event for 200 people back-to-back with DebConf, so a total 3 or 4
week booking of Le Camp?

Has anyone thought about such a possibility?

If feasible, would this reduce downside risk associated with the 200
person average?

Would anyone object to sharing the venue during the DebCamp week?

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