Hi there!

On Wed, 01 Aug 2012 10:58:58 +0200, Moray Allan wrote:
> On Sun, Jul 29, 2012 at 01:15:47PM +0200, Holger Levsen wrote:
>> actually I somewhat changed my mind here, and think _all_ sponsors, indepent 
>> of their involvement, should have the opportunity to "spam" us in the 
>> conference bags. Thats basically how it always was, it's cheap (for us) and 
>> sponsors like it and expect it, but no sponsor will pay more for this 
>> opportunity. So I think we should give in to the real world, and just accept 
>> "spam" from every sponsor who wants to spam^winform us.
> If I remember, you always thought that, but some others successfully
> argued for DC12 to make it a benefit for higher levels.  (Therefore we
> possibly shouldn't change it only because you changed^Wdidn't change
> your mind, but have some more discussion first, if anyone cares.)

IMHO each sponsor should be able to spam us despite its level: as Holger
wrote, this is something sponsors like and it could help attracting
more of them.

>> I also think these amounts are too high and I like to bring back the steel 
>> level, with the sole benefit as being listed on one page of our website (as 
>> opposed to bronze which is on every webpage).
> I would suggest to give it a more different name, e.g. 'Supporter', to
> distinguish it from the other levels if this is the only benefit, and
> to avoid returning to having too many similar names.

In my next proposal (coming up after this email), I used supporter, but
it has another benefit, i.e. the sponsor material above.  While we could
probably give this opportunity starting from bronze (thus separating a
bit more the supporter from the other metal levels), it would give
almost no benefits to the supporter level.

>> IME its way easier to find 5 sponsors for 2000 each, then it is to find one 
>> for 10000. Last years I heard a lot of complaints from small companies saying
> Really we should be setting all the levels based on previous years'
> donations/beliefs about possible actual donation levels, not just
> arbitrarily.  It probably makes more sense for us to expect companies
> to gradually increase donation levels (in the long term) and stay the
> same level, or increase more and go up, not to jump up and down levels
> each year depending on how much money we need.

Well, I disagree, because life does not cost the same in all countries.

Thx, bye,
Gismo / Luca

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