As I said elsewhere, I agree a survey would be useful, but would
prefer that we initially focus more on DebConf12 rather than abstract

We might add more general questions in a second section, depending on
the technology used, but people will tend to fail to answer any survey
that isn't kept very short.

Here's a pre-draft set of questions/responses to show the kind of
thing I had min mind.

How many times have you physically attended DebConf?  (including DebConf12)
Did you physically attend DebConf12?

attended (in person):
Rate quality of DebConf12 for
 Scheduled discussions
 Unscheduled discussions
 Social events
What would you like to see copied from DebConf12 at future DebConfs?
What would you like to see improved in future DebConfs compared to DebConf12?

didn't attend in person:
Factors in not attending:
 Talks not interesting to me
 Don't like attending conferences
 Too expensive
 Don't have enough vacation time to attend
Other factors
What would make you more likely to attend future DebConfs?
Rate quality of DebConf12 for
 Scheduled discussions
 Unscheduled discussions
 Social events

watched videos:
Watched streams during DebConf?
Watched recorded video since DebConf?
Rate quality of videos
Other comments on videos
What would you like to see improved for people watching the live streams?
What would you like to see improved about the recorded videos?

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