Hi all,

Here are the meeting minutes from the latest DebConf13 Local Team meeting, 
last Monday, 18. June 2012.

==== DebConf13.ch Local Team meeting minutes - 2012-06-18 ====

=== Attendees list ===

* gaudenz
* kevinmoilar
* OdyX
* Arne Wichmann
* philipp
* cate
* gismo
* heiserhorn (mike)

=== Subteams roundtable ===

== Front Desk ==

* INFO: Not much happened on that front, people mostly busy at collaborating
        for DC12.ni

== Hospitality ==

* INFO: Official offer was received from Le Camp; it cannot be public until
        the negociation is over; it's not yet.
* INFO: Around 160 kCHF for the whole camp, all rooms and food for all.
* INFO: How food will be served shall be communicated before Mar. 2013.
* INFO: Whether to have a tent and how/where shall be communicated before Dec.
        2012. There are no definitive offer yet and open questions remains
        with regards to toilets, security, etc.
* INFO: A part of the money will have to be paid in advance.
* DECISION: Finances and Hospitality teams continue negociation and ask the
            local team if needed.

== Finances ==

* INFO: Work has been done towards a budget, on the Finances "Team page" [0]
* INFO: A mail to all the teams with specific questions about budgeting is
* INFO: The public info about RMLL [1] Sponsors has been parsed and put into
        the sponsor list in the private svn repository.
* INFO: Marc Schaefer is a very useful resource, including contacts with
        various universities, etc. Thanks to him!
* DECISION: people needing access to private ressources (such as the private
            svn repository) should ask directly to people with access in case
            of need.

[0] http://wiki.debconf.org/wiki/Talk:DebConf13/Teams/Finances
[1] http://2012.rmll.info

== Team management ==

* INFO: Held some discussion after the last meeting we were not completely
        satisfied of, progress is in progress.
* INFO: Properly communicating the agendas and meeting places is still sort-of
        a rollercoaster but efforts are ongoing.

== Tech ==

* INFO: `Le Camp` has a quite expensive bill for the installation of the fiber
* DECISION: We should make use of our contacts to make this smoother.
            (It was not really decided who though.)

=== Legal body for DC13 ===

== Report from the /ch/open meeting ==

cate and philipp attended the /ch/open board meeting at 18h00 in Zürich the 
same day.

(OPINION statements are opinions expressed during the above meeting as 
reported to the team meeting.)

* INFO: Debian and DebConf were presented, then the legal issues were
* OPINION: We should really go with the new association, especially for VAT
           issues, which we have to pay most certainly.
* OPINION: The risks also lean toward a new association in terms of limiting
           the risks for the people involved in the association.
* OPINION: We should really not sell alcohol ourselves: either go with `Le
           Camp` or with a caterer that would grant us a cut (especially for
           alcohol selling licence issues).
* OPINION: The question to acquire an insurance liability should be open (and
           is probably inexpensive) but question if it's really needed.
* OPINION: We should really consult / have a fiduciary to ensure we do things
           correctly with regards to bylaws, VAT, declarations of various
           natures, etc. There are even opportunities to spare some money.
* OPINION: If DebConf can be considered an educational event, we could be
           possibly be exempted from VAT.
* OPINION: It's probably good to have somebody /there/ (in Neuchâtel).
* OPINION: There is most certainly a need if some invoices going in/out trough
           the association. The case at hand being for example: Le Camp issues
           an invoice for accomodation that we want paid by FFIS (for
           example). Then the DebConf organisers shall pay Le Camp and issues
           an invoice to FFIS to get paid. This is especially important if the
           event is /educational/ and we get VAT exemption.
* OPINION: /Call of support/ on their mailing list is a possibility to find
           sponsors and volunteers for DebConf.

* INFO: `Le Camp is most certainly under Neuchâtel juridication for VAT
        questions. Despite being a federal concern, the administration is
        going through cantonal offices.
* INFO: /ch/open know some fiduciaries then can propose us.
* INFO: /ch/open organizes a /Sponsors dinner/ at which we should _really_ be
        present at the beginning of 2013.
* INFO: If we need more from them, they are available; thanks!
* INFO: RedHat has an office in Neuchâtel. :-p

== Discussion ==

* DECISION: A fiduciary will be contacted soon with proposed budget and bylaws
            for advice. Around 300.- CHF shall be spent on that.
* INFO: Resources were proposed by gismo (Essaim.ch from Geneva), kevinmoilar
        and philipp.

=== Logo ===

* INFO: gismo will handle the next steps of the logo decision process.

=== Sponsoring ===

* INFO: Design and content / translations can (and will) be done in parallel.
* DECISION: gismo is /master of sponsoring/ from now on.

= Next meeting =

* DECISION: Wed. 5 September 2012, 18:45, Bern.
* INFO: Romands would appreciate more meetings in Lausanne.
* INFO: Philipp would appreciate more meetings in St-Gall.

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