On Mon, Jun 18, 2012 at 04:49:52PM -0600, Felix Delattre wrote:

> Government told us today that they have approved to sponsor for everyone
> accommodation during DebCamp in their Hotels of choice (Seminole and
> Holiday Inn), which are nice hotels, but not the cheapest ones.
> We have to pay accommodation during DebConf, but we are free to move the
> people to other (cheaper) hotels. We have to get real prices from the
> hotels now to decide the most convenient option for us (and our budget).
> This is a sponsorship of around 10K to 13K... so let's be happy :) And
> means that the other things (transportation, welcome room in the
> airport, palace of culture for conference dinner, etc...) seems to
> happen somehow.

>From IRC, my calculations were:

Savings of about 10 k$ for DebCamp costs.

If we used the gov hotels for debconf itself, and they costed more
than 42 $/person/night (our current hotels are ~28 $/person/night),
then this deal would end up costing us more than it saved.  Since
those hotels are probably more expensive than that, we will probably
end up having to move people between camp and conf, to save us 10 k$,
which is significant.

Other budget notes from this:

This just about makes up all the missing budget amount.

Once we remove excess "please select one" and "basic" people from the
budget, that saves us about 4 k$, which gives us nice pocket change
for misc costs.

So what this means is that basically, all our travel sponsorship is
coming straight from the surplus.  Spending 18 k$ of the 25 k$ surplus
for travel sponsorship seems reasonable and fiscally responsible.
Given other cost reductions, we could still expect a surplus for dc13
of 10-30 k$ once it as all done.  So at this point I'm not
recommending any more budget for travel sponsorship, unless you'd
like to decrease our surplus more.

I will write a full analysis tomorrow.  Reg team should have updates
on attendees by then, and local team will have updates on hotels, so
it'll probably be the best budget estimate yet.  Also, I really don't
want to be awake right now.

- Richard

| Richard Darst  -  rkd@          -  boltzmann: up 1064 days, 2:02
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| "Ye shall know the truth and -- the truth shall make you free"
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