On Sat, 2012-03-03 at 11:47 -0600, Leandro Gómez wrote:
> Hello team,
> At the last global team meeting we talked about exploring the possibility
> of using the UCA University for DebConf.
> Yesterday, I had a meeting with the Technology Academic Advisor and the IT
> Department Chief of UCA, and both of them are very interested in a possible
> DebConf at UCA.
> They asked me how DebConf/Debian can help the university.

I wonder if we could get some kind of statement from Columbia University
in New York regarding the value they felt they got from hosting

I believe the people at Columbia were very happy with DebConf as a
group, and I think we might be able to get a positive statement from
Daisy Nguyen or Eben Moglen about the benefits to the university - and
not just about how impressed they were with the behaviour of the group
as a whole, as seen in the attached e-mail.

andrew (AT) morphoss (DOT) com                            +64(272)DEBIAN
        All I want is more than my fair share.

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Hi everyone,

I just wanted to send a quick "thank you" mail, on behalf of Daisy and
all of the CS staff.

She was unbelievable impressed with our group overall, and had so much

She said that never before had she seen such a clean group.  We made
less mess than their faculty do at their events.

Never before had she seen so many cheeses from around the world, and
such a well organized party.

She was impressed with how we left things better than we found it, for
example, fixing up all the chairs in Davis auditorium.

Never before had she seen a group so religiously obey "no food" rules
- not even faculty conferences!

Had she known how great we'd be, we would have had no problem using
the courtyard for catering or a c&w party, in addition to the CS
Conference room.

She's offered to sponsor any meetings or workshops we may want in the
future.  This is all thanks to _your_ great behavior.

- Richard

| Richard Darst  -  rkd@          -  boltzmann: up 384 days, 11:57
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| "Ye shall know the truth and -- the truth shall make you free"
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