
(press, please scroll down to the end of this mail :)

On Freitag, 17. Februar 2012, Andrew McMillan wrote:
> It's a small point, but clearly if I paid $30k I get to choose my level?

sure. but what do you mean with that in practice? :)
> I think these levels should primarily have a published level, like:
> Steel: $2000
> Bronze: $5000
> Silver: $15000
> Gold: $30000
> Platinum: $50000

I agree. (with published level)

> or maybe those last three are $10k, $25k, $40k or $10k, $20k, $35k

Actually I think the last three should like this:


Steel: up to $2000
Bronze: up to $5000
Silver: up to $12500
Gold: up to $25000
Platinum: more then $25000

> Then the ranges that are listed are the 'negotiating room' which is
> available.  We can recognise that a poorer company (or a local one) who
> is being a good citizen by sponsoring DebConf can get a Bronze
> sponsorship for $3000 (e.g), etc.


On Freitag, 17. Februar 2012, Moray Allan wrote:
> SILVER - $5,000 to $15,000
> Benefits from bronze, and also:
> Logo on banner in conference lobby / Logo en rĂ³tulo a la entrada de la
> conferencia

I would also give these sponsors the logos on the video streams+recordings.

> Compared to http://debconf11.debconf.org/sponsorship.xhtml this
> removes 'logo on bag' from Steel, and swaps the ordering of 'logo on
> banner' and 'logo in video streams and recordings', and adds the new
> 'mention in press releases' for Platinum.  Those seem like reasonable
> changes to me (assuming the press team agree to the latter).

let's ask them, cc:ing them.

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