On Wed, Jun 15, 2011 at 4:10 AM, Richard Darst <r...@zgib.net> wrote:
> I tried the same, and it seems that only DDs are blocked from
> registering sponsored.  Other debian statuses can still select
> sponsored.
> Perhaps this should be fixed before sending the emails asking people
> to fix stuff.

So can you add a check for sponsored-status-chosen-after-deadline, and
send a separate email to those people while resetting their statuses?
I don't see any reason for a general deadline-exemption just because
we had a bug.

> I actually think that it is the fact that category (sponsored, etc)
> depends on status (DD, ...) that gets causes a lot of problems.  if
> you change status, category can get reset (or you could lose
> sponsorship).  I can think of other ways this could fail...  But
> anyway, this is what we are left with...

(I'm sure I'm forgetting something obvious, but why are those two
fields related?)

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