On Tue, Jun 14, 2011 at 4:57 PM, Moray Allan <mo...@sermisy.org> wrote:
> On Tue, Jun 14, 2011 at 3:52 PM, Velimir Iveljic
> <velimir.li...@foolcontrol.org> wrote:
>> I would however like to resolve this thing that Adnan keeps mentioning.
>> The reason we need to know where people are coming from is connected
>> to Visa solution we are working on.
> As has already been said, people will be reminded to fill in their
> country as part of the confirmation process.
>> We want to help everyone who requires a Visa to enter the country and
>> want to know how many people are coming from those countries to make
>> the process as easy and as fast as possible.
> As has already been said several times, people who need visas should
> already have contacted the visa team.  Another separate reminder about
> that would be fine, though.

It so happens that i got a bunch of Visa "help" mails in the last few days.
Now i am trying to figure things out, how to help them, since DebConf
is very near and there is not much time left.

That being said, i am not complaining, i was just trying to explain
why we need the information (as far as i know) Adnan is talking about.
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