On Tue, May 31, 2011 at 11:35 PM, Holger Levsen <hol...@layer-acht.org> wrote:
> Hi Vedran,
> On Dienstag, 31. Mai 2011, vedran wrote:
>> I live in Sarajevo and in free time i'm enjoying to guide
>> tourists/friends through Sarajevo. Sarajevo is one of cities that has
>> biggest cultural diversities through history and definitely worth
>> visiting!
>> So, i'm willing to help anyone who want's to visit Sarajevo, i can
>> even offer place to short stay at my apartment (In center of Sarajevo)
>> but i'm sorry :) i can't accept more that 2-3 persons.
> Thanks for your (and Jasmins) offer! Is it also valid before or after
> DebConf11? ;-)

Yes, :) It's valid before or after DebConf11 too :).

>> Also, as far as i know current plan for DayTrip is to go rafting on
>> Vrbas in Banja Luka.
> Actually thats only partly true: we were discussing a daytrip to some place
> along the Vrbas river, where there are several options what to do, rafting
> being one them. (And we're still waiting for more information from the tourist
> board and a local guide manager.)
> So yes, the "official daytrip" will be to some place rather close to Banja
> Luka, but of course daytrip (as the very most things in DebConf) is voluntary,
> so if some people want to do $stuff instead, thats totally fine. Usually the
> wiki is a good place to document "alternative options" :-)

I'll do my best to document this option, remind people and to try to
organize it. I know that trip to Sarajevo is bit time consuming but we
can get comfortable bus for sleeping and perhaps even share wi-fi from
my mobile phone :) so it would not be boring :). Anyway. when you are
coming from ex. Venezuela than it definitely worth it.

As i said, i'm for rafting too but i wish we offer this as
alternative. Sarajevo is really worth visiting.

> cheers,
>        Holger, who hopes videoteam will enjoy a day "off" too
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