Hello everyone,

Since most of you are coming to Bosnia first time an a believe at
least some of you want's to see some interesting things during that
visit so i have proposal for everyone who want's to visit Sarajevo.

I live in Sarajevo and in free time i'm enjoying to guide
tourists/friends through Sarajevo. Sarajevo is one of cities that has
biggest cultural diversities through history and definitely worth

So, i'm willing to help anyone who want's to visit Sarajevo, i can
even offer place to short stay at my apartment (In center of Sarajevo)
but i'm sorry :) i can't accept more that 2-3 persons.

Also, as far as i know current plan for DayTrip is to go rafting on
Vrbas in Banja Luka. My suggestion for all of those that doesn't want
to go rafting or have any other obstacle to go there, we can organize
day trip to Sarajevo.

There is bus going from Banja Luka at 05:00 AM and arriving to
Sarajevo at about 09:00-09:30 AM. And last one from Sarajevo to Banja
Luka during the same day is at 22:00. So in my opinion it's great
timing for nice day trip.

Also there is going to be Sarajevo Film Festival during the same
period as DebConf. (from 22. to 30. July). It's probably the biggest
cultural event in Bosnia that is occurring every year. You can find
out more about that at www.sff.ba. Sarajevo film festival is one of 10
biggest film festivals in Europe and the biggest one in wider region.
So if anyone is interested, we can even organize visit to some

Check more about Sarajevo at:
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