Joerg Jaspert dijo [Thu, May 12, 2011 at 08:58:17AM +0200]:
> On 12478 March 1977, Adnan Hodzic wrote:
> > +10!
> >>
> > I'm loving it, could just add Twitter besides Chat on IRC or before
> > I think once completed we should add this on main page
> > below the "menu" and above from "Latest News".
> Independent of how the design looks, just let me shoot a mis-conception
> / very bad idea:
> It is fine if people use facebook/twitter/flickr/youtube/whatever to
> promote DebConf. If it is clear they are doing it on their own, it is
> NOT DebConf (or Debian) doing it.
> But our website should NOT ever include a non-free service. Either there
> is a free one, then link/use that, or DebConf provides its own. One of
> the two. If none works, then leave a feature out of the website.
> (That also includes any kind of JS or whatever which might be
> included. Either we legally can distribute it, or we should not have it)
> Sorry, but we are a free conference, promoting free and open - not
> closed-source stuff.

I mostly agree with Joerg - I really prefer not to link from our
official resources to "facebook/twitter/flickr/youtube/whatever"
nonfree services.

Regarding Javascript, the tags and so on - I do not object to it. Many
people choose not to use JS in their browser where not needed (me
included). We can either add an exception for, or just
watch the ogg stream via a non-embedded player. The tabs can be set to
be all shown in case Javascript is not enabled, as in Pentabarf when
you request all tabs (although they will, of course, display static
content only and would probably not be _so_ useful).

Why do I advocate tabs over links? Because that way you can leave the
speaker speaking, continue listening, and go to the other tabs and do
AJAXy stuff without the stream breaking.
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