Damyan Ivanov dijo [Fri, Apr 15, 2011 at 06:32:47PM +0300]:
> > Agreed. Two points: 
> > 
> >  * It's often the kind of stuff that might be given away by the
> >    sponsors
> >  * It's often the kind of stuff that just ends up being dumped
> So in order to overcome these cons, any additional gifts must be worth 
> taking home, i.e. really good. This leads to two new cons: the goods 
> won't be cheap, and someone has to drive the process locally (finding 
> quotes, choosing raw pens/keychains/etc find a printer, transport).
> I personally would like a good debconf gear that I can use and show 
> around (like the t-shirts, which were great so far, thanks!). I don't 
> worry much about the extra money, as the bufget.ods file looks pretty 
> encouraging. However the time/effort component bothers me. Are there 
> local people who can handle this?
> Just to avoid misunderstanding, I don't say we go on and do it at any 
> cost. I want to consider the possibility in a couple of weeks when we 
> have increased the amount of sponsorship money.
> Last point, good DebConf gear in sponsor bags would be nice to the 
> sponsors.

The fact that we have more money available this year does not mean we
have to spend it! It would be great to be able to have a cross-DebConf
fund, and not always start from near-scratch.

Even given that -as Holger pointed out- not everybody values/uses
their t-shirts, I think the rate of usage (and accpetance, and
"thankfulness") of shirts is high enough. Also the conference bags,
such as those many of you have already quoted (DC4, DC8, DC10 had
great bags - I'd still have wanted to take some more orange bags from
DC10, as they are very very useful to me!) are very well
received... but completely optional.

But we must cut at some point. Of course we could give away
Debian-branded pens, keyrings, USB keys, and whatnot. But, do you
really think it would be the best way to spend our resources? I
don't. It's good to get some nice swag, of course, but we can invite
sponsors to make it (with their logos, or theirs+ours, or...)

But really, I will reiterate: The fact that this year we have more
money available does not mean we should attempt to spend it all. We
should be as cost-aware as always, and try to save it for future
DebConfs as well!

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