
On Freitag, 15. April 2011, Steve Langasek wrote:
> I have never understood this impulse on the part of (a subset of?) the
> DebConf organization to spend any money at all on trinkets.  It doesn't
> matter if the "budget looks good" - it's still a waste of money to spend it
> on schwag.  We have more money than we need?  Great!  Save it for later
> when Debian can use it to spend on something useful!
> We're not an industry conference run by a company that needs to buy the
> attendees' love with free stuff or try to get free advertising from the
> attendees when they take home the company's name plastered on their pens
> and keychains.  I'm quite sure I speak for the whole community when I say
> attendees already love Debian, the DebConf team and our sponsors for
> making it possible for us to attend an event like this at such a low cost
> (free, for many people!) and don't need schwag to seal the deal.
> Now if a sponsor says they want something like this with *their* name on it
> as a condition of their sponsorship, sure, by all means, let's spend some
> of their money on miscellaneous Stuff if it means there will also be more
> money to spend on the things that make a difference for Debian.  But
> spending more money to print *Debian's* name on give-aways, unprompted?  
> No way.
> To be fair, some of the schwag has actually been pretty nice.  [...]
> Yes, making the sponsors happy is a reasonable use of money.  Sending
> attendees home with bags of miscellaneous stuff is not.

I fully agree with the above.

With the exception?/addition, that I think DebConf t-shirts OTOH are very 
useful,  for (their bits in) "creating+improving" our community, 
communicating/announcing it in public as well thanking/acknowledging the 

But IMO this should be it, even though I acknowledge that (quite?) some people 
not value tshirts *that* much. But even those who dont wear tshirts 
themselves, see them all the time :)


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