On Thu, Apr 14, 2011 at 10:59:15PM +0200, Andreas Tille wrote:
> Hi,
> as every year the event submission form contains three sections:
>   "Submission notes" / "Abstract" / "Description"
> I always wonder what the difference might be.  For me the field
> "Abstract" is clear.  It should be mandatory.  There might be some use
> for "Submission notes" which can be filled with notes to clarify the
> abstract or some other stuff but I usually leave it out.

This is a good point!

Querying Penta, I see that "abstract" is usually an abstract.
"Description" often has information useful for attendees, but
sometimes has "Submission notes" seems mostly unused.  When it has
been used, it seems to be used mainly by the talks committee to add
their internal notes.  It might seem that "submission notes" are only
shown to talks team (I don't see anything that looks like speakers
have added to submission notes in any past debconf), but someone on
IRC reported they could see it without any special permissions.

In the pentabarf schedule, both abstract and description are shown to
(abstract at top in bold, description below in normal font weight)

When I wrote the CFP/submission instructions, I said 
  Please include a public "Abstract", and a "Description" listing any
  notes for the DebConf talks team, such as special requirements or
Now I'm not so sure if this is correct, but let me know what you want
to do and I can update instructions.

Not trying to say what to do, but provide some background info from
the past.  We should clarify instructions, though.


- Richard

| Richard Darst  -  rkd@          -  boltzmann: up 632 days, 18:32
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| "Ye shall know the truth and -- the truth shall make you free"
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