On 04/14/2011 04:59 PM, Andreas Tille wrote:
> I always wonder what the difference might be.  For me the field
> "Abstract" is clear.  It should be mandatory.  There might be some use
> for "Submission notes" which can be filled with notes to clarify the
> abstract or some other stuff but I usually leave it out.

I agree with these interpretations of "Abstract" and "Notes".  Notes in
particular might be used for presentation logistical details like "i'll
need an amplified sound system with an 1/8" stereo audio input jack" or
"I explicitly do not want video-team coverage for this talk".

> I never made any sense out of this Description field.  So *if* it has
> any sense it definitely needs some footnote or some explanation
> somewhere else.  Otherwise it should be removed (if it is not yet to
> late because people filled in some content).

Last year, i used "Description" as a long-form place to describe the
talk in more detail.  Other people appear to have done the same.

So while "Abstract" is usually a one (or two, at most) paragraph
description, Description might include an entire talk outline.

Having the Abstract makes it possible to prepare a reasonably-sized
printed schedule that includes more than the title for each work (though
i don't know if anyone really needs such a schedule).

Given that the full Description is probably not viewed by most people,
the main advantage of it is that people can use it to give the talks
team a clearer picture of the talk itself and the level of preparation
of the submitter.

This may or may not be useful enough to warrant keeping it around.

I would be OK with hiding the description field, if no one has a strong
argument for keeping it around.


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