On Mon, Apr 11, 2011 at 03:00:26PM -0600, Norman Garcia Aguilar wrote:

> Today, in the global meeting [0] it was agreed that the DC12 Local
> Team decide about the dates before checking another events date.
> So, our final decision is option A [1] for the DebConf12 date.
> Any comment?

I was hoping that you'd check dates of any other major conferences in
the summer before deciding - I don't know what major ones are
important, though, other people can let you know what are the most
likely suspects for overlap (or how important this is).

- Richard

| Richard Darst  -  rkd@          -  boltzmann: up 630 days, 18:16
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| "Ye shall know the truth and -- the truth shall make you free"
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