On Sun, Mar 20, 2011 at 03:56:10PM +0100, Holger Levsen wrote:

> /me nods. I think asking the previous years main organizers directly is 
> probably a good start...

> I think you'll also find some data digging in Debians financial history :-)

I am working on that, starting with most recent conferences.  It looks
like I can get all I want for DC10 and DC9, at least.

Past organizers: if you have raw data from past conferences, I can
input them into a ledger and get some good data for us.  *I especially
would like DC10 or DC9 transactions from places like DC7, ltd. or *

Even if it isn't transaction data, whatever you have can help me.  It
can even be just things you remember, elaborating on the final report.
I have looked at the spreadsheets and they tend to not be up to date
or confusing...

Here is the best I have found, based on final reports:
incomplete and imprecise.

Here is a sample ledger output from DC10 (incomplete, only ffis data
so far)
but is what I want to do for DC10 and DC9, if I can get the data.

- Richard

| Richard Darst  -  rkd@          -  boltzmann: up 607 days, 16:46
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