Hi Richard,

in short: awesome!

On Sonntag, 20. März 2011, Richard Darst wrote:
>  I'm looking for
> feedback - this shouldn't be considered a proposal yet.

*thats* a pity! ;)

> Taking care of the past
> =======================
> Go through past records as best I can.  Try to figure out the net
> amount received from Debian over the years, the amount returned, and
> the current surplus.  Maybe this can't be done completely accurately
> without too much effort.  If that is the case, we just do our best.

/me nods. I think asking the previous years main organizers directly is 
probably a good start...

> Then, we find the net DebConf equity over the years: surplus - amount
> received from debian.  This may just be a "best guess".
> Then, send all accounts to Debian and say "here is all we have, our
> net surplus over the years is XXX which we may ask for later".

I think you'll also find some data digging in Debians financial history :-)

> Year to year plan
> =================
> If organizers want seed money, they can borrow some of the DebConf
> equity from Debian.
> Then, organizers that year deal with their budget however they choose.
> It can be same accounts, different accounts, whatever works best that
> year.  I'm not proposing something specific here.
> After the conference, once all expenses are done, send all money back
> to Debian.  The DebConf equity with Debian is updated, and books are
> finalized.  It may be the case that there is a USD deficit and a EUR
> surplus, let Debian act as a buffer that way year-to-year (as much as
> it is OK with).
> If any expenses come up after the books are closed, Debian handles
> them, updating the DebConf equity, if desired.  Or update the
> books...
> My thoughts with this plan are:
> - leave it to Debian auditors to manage things year to year, since
>   DebConf turnover leaves that hard here.
> - Make a fixed time each year for DebConf books to be closed, since
>   otherwise things are forgotten because it lasts too long.
> - Assume that DebConf can manage money well short term, while Debian
>   is better at managing it long-term.

Sounds all good to me.


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